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Why Advocacy is Needed
Peace Advocacy Group was started in 2017 after Claudia's father passed away from lymphoma. She advocated for him every step of the way and committed to doing the same for others. From 2017 to 2021, she was the solo advocate and with the addition of Fernanda, they are now able to serve more clients' needs. Get to know Claudia and Fernanda here.
To learn more about patient advocacy and her story, click on the video graphic below to hear an interview with Claudia.
Every year in the United States there are approximately:
12,000 deaths for unnecessary surgeries
7,000 deaths for medication errors in hospitals
20,000 deaths from other errors in hospitals
1,000,000 deaths from hospital acquired infections
106,000 deaths from FDA- approved correctly prescribed medicines
Medically caused deaths in the United States every year totals 245,000. This makes the medical system the third leading cause of death in the United States behind heart disease and cancer. These figures only represent death. They do not include increased hospital stays, permanent medical problems caused by errors, missed revenue, cost to taxpayers, or impacts to quality of life.
Sometimes even the most educated, most aware, most empowered patients become one of these statistics but being proactive can help reduce your odds of having what is referred to in hospital lingo as a "surgical misadventure" or "unfortunate catastrophic event." At Peace Advocacy Group, we are here to help guide you and navigate our complicated modern healthcare system by being your personal patient advocate.
Advocacy in the Press: